Promotional Brochure/DVD
The foundational message of Crystal Peaks is simple: Broken, abused, and neglected things can be transformed by the hope of Christ into something beautiful and whole. This transformation is only found through the hope we discover in Christ.
The same message of hope is available for you through our booklet brochure. Tucked inside each brochure is a DVD about our ministry.
For requests within the U.S. or Canada, it would be our joy to send to you this encouraging brochure and DVD at no charge! Simply submit the request form below.
International orders may be placed for $5 per brochure/DVD, to cover increased shipping and handling fees. To order, please click here to be directed to our Secure Online Donation page. Select the “Other” option and write in “Brochure/DVD”. In the “comments” section, please give details for your order (eg. correct mailing address if different from billing address, number of brochures ordering, and any other notes). Note: comments section must be filled out for orders to be processed.