Similar Ministry Qualifications

Similar Ministry Qualifications

Thank you for your desire to become a similar ministry alongside Crystal Peaks. Please take time to read and pray over the ​eight key statements below and consider if they are an accurate representation of the foundation, vision and trajectory of your ministry.

  1. I desire to unite with the Crystal Peaks Similar Ministry team in sharing the redemptive love of Jesus Christ.
  2. My ministry has been in operation for one full year.
  3. We utilize equine ministry as the primary means through which the love, hope, healing and redemption of Jesus is shared.
  4. I agree with Crystal Peaks’ mission Statement of Faith (printed below) because it aligns with the Great Commission:Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch is a faith-based ministry organization. The Founders, Board of Directors and staff of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God, He is our Savior, our Redeemer, and coming King. We believe the Bible is the breathed Word of God, perfect in every word and without error. It is our greatest desire to serve the Father by the demonstration of our faith through action. Faith on the Ranch is expressed through “living example” to those we work with.It is our highest honor to serve children and families of all backgrounds with the same loving grace that has so freely been given to us. As a result of this foundation, all of our programs and training are structured accordingly. For a more in depth look at how we live out our statement of faith at Crystal Peaks, click here
  5. I have recently attended a Crystal Peaks’ IGNITION Event, 2020 to current year acceptable.
  6. By daily pursing the leadership of Jesus through God’s Word, worship and prayer, I have fashioned my ranch ministry to be uniquely centered on His loving redemption.
  7. I agree that all aspects of our ministry will respectfully point to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, not any program, technique or living thing.
  8. I agree to shoulder with Crystal Peaks each year through their annual update.

If you have considered these qualifications and believe they are an accurate representation of your ministry, please apply here