Leah Meier
Facilities Assistant & Session Instructor
HOMETOWN: Ulster Park, NY
In January 2019 I was approached by a friend who, knowing of my love for horses, handed me a piece of paper with the Crystal Peaks logo on it and a brief synopsis of why the ranch started and what it does. I remember thinking ‘well that’s kinda cool’ and then putting it in the back of my mind.
Two days later my dad was gifted with the book Hope Rising and passed it on to me excitedly telling me of this ranch of rescued horses, kids, and dreams. Once I realized that this was no coincidence, I went on the CPYR website and saw the opportunity to volunteer for a summer as an intern. I was too late to apply for that year’s internship, so I waited and then applied as soon as the applications opened for 2020.
I had been living is upstate New York with my family and was more than ready to hop out of the nest and flap my wings. So when I found that I has been accepted for the internship I went crazy; Crystal Peaks provided a perfect excuse to get away. Little did I know how life changing that summer would be for me. So much happened in the eight short months following; so much more than learning how to fit a saddle correctly or how to ride. I learned what it means to love and trust others and to be vulnerable. Biggest and best of all, I was able to fully surrender my life to Jesus, which gave me a whole new outlook on life. A large part of that was being surrounded by such a strong group of believers who loved their jobs and practiced what they preached; people whom I could love and trust.
What I most enjoy about my job is the outside work and creativity that comes with being a member of the facilities team. Everything from digging out rebellious tree stumps, to building shelving and tool racks. I love all of it. I also love bumping into the other staff members around the ranch and sharing a joke or spending a few minutes in prayer.
Who is your favorite horse on the ranch and why?
My favorite horse is Shamis. I love her spunky personality, her curiosity, and her get-up-and-go attitude. Taking her out on the trail makes for an exciting and very entertaining ride.
What is one interesting fact about you?
One interesting fact about me is that have lived on three different continents and, as a result, have an accent that no one can place.